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Journal Articles

Journal Articles


229- Z. Li, M. Cresp, K. Vegso, P. Siffalovic, N. Mrkyvkova, Th. Pauporté
Quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper phase induced vertically oriented FA1-xMAxPbI3 for high-performance sequential perovskite solar cell.
Chem. Eng. J, (2025)


228- Y. Feng, J. Ding, Q. Maa, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, M. Li, T. Genga, W. Gao, Y Wang, B. Zhang, Th. Pauporté, J.-X. Tange, H. Chen, J. Cheng, C. Chen
Rationally designed universal passivator for high-performance single-junction and tandem perovskite solar cells.
Nature Commun, 16 (2025) 753

227- M. Cresp, M. Liu, M.-N. Rager, Th. Pauporté
2D Ruddlesden-Popper versus 2D Dion-Jacobson Perovskites: Of the Importance of Determining the "True" Average n-Value of Annealed Layers.
Adv Funct Mater., 15 (2025) 2413671.

226- W. Gao, J. Ding, Q. Ma, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, M. Lia, Y. Wang, B. Zhang, Th. Pauporté, J.-X. Tang, J. Cheng, C. Chen

Synergistic modulation of orientation and steric hindrance induced by alkyl chain length in ammonium salt passivator toward  high-performance inverted perovskite solar cells and modules.

Adv. Mater., (2025) e2413304. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202413304


225- B. Zhang, H. Zeng, H. Yin, D. Zheng, Z. Wan, C. Jia, T. Stuyver, J. Luo, Th. Pauporté*

Combining Machine Learning, Component Screening and Molecular Engineering for the Design of High-Performance and Stable Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells.

Energy Environ. Sci. (2024). DOI:10.1039/d4ee00635f


224- O. Lupan, M. Brinza, J. Piehl, A. Vahl, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, L. Zimoch, T. Strunskus, Th. Pauporté, R. Adelung, F. Faupel, S. Schröder

Influence of Silsesquioxane-Containing Ultra-Thin Polymer Films on Metal Oxide Gas Sensor Performance for the Tunable Detection of Biomarkers.

Chemosensors 12 (2024) 76.  DOI:10.3390/chemosensors12050076.


223- T. Wang, D. Zheng, K. Vegso, G. Baillard, P. Nadazdy, N. Mrkyvkova, P. Siffalovic, Y. Chen, L. Coolen, Th. Pauporte,* F. Feng

A Binary Strategy to Enhance the Photoelectric Performance of Perovskite-Based Photodetectors for Application in Optical Communications.

Chem. Eng. J. 488 (2024) 151068. DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2024.151068.


222- M. Liu, D. Zheng, T. Pauporté* 

2D Halide Perovskite Phase Formation Dynamics and their Regulation by Co-Additives for Efficient Solar Cells  

Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2024) 2300773. DOI:10.1002/admi.202300773 

221- L. Gollino, D. Zheng, N. Mercier, T. Pauporté*

Unveiling of a Puzzling Dual Ionic Migration in Lead- and Iodide-Deficient Halide Perovskites (d-HPs) and its impact on solar cell J-V curve hysteresis.

Exploration 4 (2024) 20220156. DOI:10.1002/EXP.20220156


220- D. Zheng, T. Pauporté, C. Schwob, L. Coolen

Models of light absorption enhancement in perovskite solar cells by plasmonic nanoparticles

Exploration 4 (2024) 20220146. DOI:10.1002/EXP.20220146


219- R. Nagpal, M. Chiriac, A. Sereacov, A.Birnaz, N. Ababii, C. Lupan, A. Buzdugan, I. Sandu, L. Siebert, Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan

Annealing Effect on UV detection Properties of ZnO:Al Structures

J. Eng. Sci. 30 (2023) 45-62. DOI:10.52326/jes.utm.2023.30(4).04.


218- T . Xu, J. Lv, D. Zheng, Z. Luo, M. H. Jee, G. Ran, Z. Chen, Z. Huang, Y. Li, C. Zhang, H. Hu, T. Pauporté, W. Zhang, H. Y. Woo, and C. Yang 

Regulating Reorganization Energy and Crystal Packing of Small-Molecule Donors Enables High Performance Binary All-Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells with Slow Film Growth Rate

Energy Environment Sci.16 (2023) 5933-5943. DOI:10.1039/D3EE02129G 

217- T. Wang, D. Zheng*, K. Vegso, N. Mrkyvkova, P. Siffalovic, X. Yuan, M.G. Somekh, L. Coolen*, Th. Pauporté*, F. Fu*

Flexible Array of High Performance and Stable Formamidium-Based Low-n 2D Halide Perovskite Photodetectors for Optical Imaging

Nano Energy, 116 (2023) 108827. DOI:10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108827

216- T. Wang, D. Zheng, K. Vegso, N. Mrkyvkova, P. Siffalovic, T. Pauporté*

High-Resolution and Stable Ruddlesden-Popper Quasi-2D Perovskite Flexible Photodetectors Arrays for Potential Application as Optical Image Sensor.

Adv. Funct. Mater. (2023) 2304659. DOI:10.1002/adfm.202304659

215- L. Gollino, A. Leblanc, J. Dittmer, N. Mercier, and T. Pauporté*

New Dication-Based Lead-Deficient 3D MAPbI3 and FAPbI3 "d-HPs" perovskites with an enhanced stability

ACS Omega, 8 (2023) 23870–23879. DOI:10.1021/acsomega.3c02292

214- M. Brînza, S. Schröder, N. Ababii, M. Gronenberg, V. Tugulea, T. Pauporté, R. Adelung, F. Faupel, T. Strunskus, and O. Lupan

2-in-1 Sensor based on PV4D4-coated TiO2 films for food spoilage detection and as breath marker for several diseases.

Biosensors 13 (2023) 538. DOI:10.3390/bios13050538

213- D. Gao, R. Li, X. Chen, C. Chen, C. Wang, B. Zhang, M. Li, X. Shang, X. Yu, S. Gong, Th. Pauporté, H. Yang, L. Ding,* J. Tang, and J. Chen

Managing Interfacial Defects and Carriers by Synergistic Modulation of Functional Groups and Spatial Conformation for High-Performance Perovskite Photovoltaics Based on Vacuum Flash Method.

Advanced Materials, 2023, 2301028. DOI:10.1002/adma.202301028 

212- C. Lupan, O. Lupan, M.-I. Terasa, J. Drewes, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, R. Adelung, S. Hansen, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté

H2 gas sensing properties of a Pd/ZnO:Eu nanosensor.

Proc. SPIE, 12422 (2023) 124220P. DOI:10.1117/12.2651116

211- T. Pauporté, T. Zhu, S. Olthof

Tuning of Titanium Dioxide Surface Energy Levels by Self-Assembled Monolayers for Optoelectronic Applications.

Proc. SPIE, 12422 (2023) 1242208. DOI:10.1117/12.2647864

210- B. Muzikova, L. Gollino, R. Žouželka, J. Rathousky, T. Pauporté*

Graphene/TiO2 composite films for efficient photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics in wastewater.

Proc. SPIE, 12422 (2023) 124220Q. DOI:10.1117/12.2659658

209- T. Pauporté*,  L. Gollino, N. Mercier

Ethylammonium (IEA+)-based lead- and iodide- deficient halide perovskites (d-HPs) for solar cells

Proc. SPIE, 12422 (2023) 124220M. DOI:10.1117/12.2647859

208- L. Gollino, N. Mercier, Th. Pauporté*

Exploring Solar Cells Based on Lead- and Iodide-Deficient Halide Perovskite (d-HP) Thin Films.

Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 1245. DOI:10.3390/nano13071245


207- C. Lupan, V. Cretu, A.K. Mishra, N. Magariu, N. Manciu, N. Ababii, S. Mishra, S. Railean, L. Zimoch, V. Galstyan, S. Hansen, T. Pauporté

Thin Films of Copper Oxide Nanostructured via Rapid Thermal Processing.

J. Eng. Sci, Vol.24, no. 4 (2022) 84 - 96.

206- D. Zheng, F. Raffin, P. Volovitch, Th. Pauporté*

Control of perovskite film crystallization and growth direction to target homogeneous monolithic structures.

Nature Commun., 13 (2022) 6655.

205- T. Zhu, S. Olthof, Th. Pauporté*

Titanium dioxide Surface Energy Levels Tuning by Self-Assembled Monolayers.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 121 (2022) 141602. DOI: 10.1063/5.0107202

204- C. Lupan,  N. Wolff,  J. Drewes,  H. Krüger,  A. Vahl,  T. Pauporté, O. Lupan,  B. Viana,  L. Kienle,  F. Faupel,  R. Adelung, S. Hansen,

Nanosensors Based on a Single ZnO:Eu Nanowire for Hydrogen Gas Sensing.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14 (2022) 41196−41207.

203- D. Zheng, F. Chen, M.N. Rager, L. Gollino, B. Zhang, Th. Pauporté*

What are Methylammonium and Solvent Fates upon Halide Perovskite Thin Film Preparation and Thermal Aging?

Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (2022) 2201436. DOI : 10.1002/admi.202201436

202- B. Zhang, D. Gao, M. Li, X. Shang, Y. Li, C. Chen, Th. Pauporté*

Heterojunction in-situ constructed by a novel amino acid-based organic spacer for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14 (2022) 40902–40912.

201-  M. Li1, H. Li, Q. Zhuang, D. He, B. Liu, C. Chen, M. Jiang, S. Xu, S. Zheng, B. Zhang, Th. Pauporté, Z. Zang, J. Chen 

Stabilizing Perovskite Precursor by Synergy of Functional Groups for NiOx-Based Inverted Solar Cells with 23.5% Efficiency .

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,61 (2022) e202206914. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202206914 

200- D. Zheng, T. Zhu, Y. Yan, Th. Pauporté 

Controlling the formation process of methylammonium-free halide perovskite films for a homogeneous incorporation of alkali metal cations beneficial to solar cell performances 

Adv. Energy Mater., 12 (2022) 2103618. DOI:10.1002/aenm.202103618

199- D. Zheng, C. Schwob, Z. Ouzitb, L. Coolen, Th. Pauporté* 

How Do Gold Nanoparticles Boost the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells? 

Nano Energy, 94 (2022) 106934. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.106934.​​


198- D. Zheng, T. Pauporté

Control by Mixed-Chloride Additives of the Quality and Homogeneity of Bulk Halide Perovskite upon Film Formation Process. 

J. Mater Chem. A 9 (2021) 17801-17811. DOI: 10.1039/D1TA04651A 

197- O. Lupan, D. Santos-Carballal, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, S. Hansen, A. Vahl,  L. Zimoch, M. Hoppe, T. Pauporté, Vardan Galstyan, Victor Sontea, Lee Chow, Nora H de Leeuw, Franz Faupel,  Rainer Adelung, Elisabetta Comini.

TiO2/Cu2O/CuO Multi-nanolayers as Sensors for H2 and VOCs: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 32363–32380. DOI :10.1021/acsami.1c04379

-196- O Lupan, N. Ababii, D. Santos-Carballal, M.-I. Terasa; N. Magariu; D. Zappa, E. Comini, Th. Pauporté, L. Siebert, F. Faupel, A. Vahl, S. Hansen, N. H de Leeuw, R. Adelung

Tuning the Reactivity of Ultralow Power Heterojunction Sensors toward H2 and VOCs through Noble Metal Nanoparticle Functionalization

NanoEnergy, 88 (2021) 106241 DOI :10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106241

195- C. Ma, D. Zheng, D. Demaille, B. Gallas, C. Schwob, T. Pauporté, L. Coolen 

Light Management in Highly-Textured Perovskite Solar Cells: From Full-Device Ellipsometry Characterization to Optical Modelling for Quantum Efficiency Optimization 

Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 230 (2021) 111144.

194- D. Zheng, T. Zhu, T. Pauporté* 

A Co-Additives Strategy for Blocking Ionic Mobility in Methylammonium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells and High Stability Achievement

Solar RRL, 5 (2021) 2100010

193- O. Lupan,  N. Magariu,  Th. Pauporté,  R. Khaledialidusti,  A. K. Mishra, Postica,  H. Krüger, S. Hansen, H. Heinrich, B. Viana, L.K. Ono, B. Roldan Cuenya, L. Chow, R. Adelung, 

Comparison of Thermal Annealing vs Hydrothermal Treatment Effects on the Detection Performances of ZnO Nanowires 

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 10537−10552   DOI:10.1021/acsami.0c19170


192- D. Zheng, C. Tong, T. Zhu, Y. Rong, Th. Pauporté* 

Effects of 5-Ammonium Valeric Acid Iodide as Additive on Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells 

Nanomaterials 10 (12) (2020) 2512

191- D. Zheng, T. Zhu, Th. Pauporté*

From Mono- to Triple-Cation Hybrid Perovskites for High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Electrical Response, Impedance and Stability.

ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 3 (2020) 10349–10361

190- T. Zhu, D. Zheng, M.-N. Rager, Th. Pauporté*

Actual Organic Cations Composition Determination in Perovskite Thin Films. Application to Formamidinium Lead Iodide Stabilization for High Efficiency Solar Cell

Sol. RRL, 4 (2020) 2000348

189- T. Zhu, D. Zheng, J. Liu, L. Coolen, Th. Pauporté*

Electrical Response of High Efficiency and Stable Solar Cells Based on MACl Mediated Grown FA0.94MA0.06PbI3 Perovskite

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (2020) 37197−37207

188- D. Magaldi, M. Ulfa, S. Péralta, F. Goubard, Th. Pauporté,* T.-T. Bui

Carbazole-based material: Synthesis, Characterization and application as hole transporting material in perovskite solar cells

J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-04021-2

187- D. Magaldi, M. Ulfa, S. Péralta, F. Goubard, Th. Pauporté,* T.-T Bui*

Carbazole electroactive amorphous molecular material: molecular design, synthesis, characterization and application in perovskite solar cells

Energies 2020, 13, 2897. DOI:10.3390/en13112897

186- C. Lupan, R. Khaledialidusti, A. K. Mishra, V. Postica, M. I. Terasa, N. Magariu, O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté,* B. Viana, J. Drewes, A. Vahl, F. Faupel, R. Adelung

Pd-functionalized ZnO:Eu columnar films for room temperature hydrogen gas sensing

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 22, 24951-24964. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c02103

185- J. Su, T. Zhu, Th Pauporté, I. Ciofini, F. Labat

Improving the Heterointerface in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells by Surface Engineering: Insights from Periodic Hybrid Density Functional Theory Calculations

J. Comput. Chem. (2020) DOI: 10.1002/jcc.26215

184- V. Postica, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, H. Cavers, M. Hoppe, R. Adelung, O. Lupan,

UV nanophotodetector based on a single ZnO:Au nanowire functionalized with Au-nanoparticles.

Proc. SPIE, 11281 (2020) 112812C

183- T.-T. Bui,D. Magaldi,M. Ulfa, M.-P. Nghiêm, G. Sini, F. Goubard, T. Pauporté,

Hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cells: molecular versus polymeric carbazole-based derivatives.

J. Mater. Sci. (2020)


182- T. Zhu, J. Su, F. Labat, I. Ciofini, Th. Pauporté

Interfacial Engineering through Chloride-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayer for High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells.

ACS Appl. Mater Interfaces, (2020)


181- O.Lupan, V. Postica, Th. Pauporté , B. Viana, M.-I. Terasa, H. Cavers, R. Adelung

Room temperature performances of gas nanosensors based on individual and multiple networked Au-modified ZnO nanowires.

Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 299 (2019) 126977


180- O. Lupan, V. Postica, N. Wolff, J. Su,  F. Labat, I. Ciofini, H. Cavers, R. Adelung, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, L. Kienle, B. Viana,  Th. Pauporté

Low-Temperature Solution Synthesis of Plasmonic Au-Modified ZnO Nanowires for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Nanosensors.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11 (2019) 32115-32126.


179- O. Lupan, V. Postica,  Th. Pauporté , M. Hoppe, R. Adelung

UV nanophotodetectors: A case study of individual Au-modified ZnO nanowires.

Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 296 (2019) 400–408.


178- T. Zhu, J. Su, J. Alvarez, G. Lefèvre, F. Labat, I. Ciofini, Th. Pauporté

Response Enhancement of Self-Powered Visible-Blind UV Photodetectors by Nanostructured Heterointerface Engineering.

Adv. Funct. Mater., 29 (2019) 1903981.


177- A. Leblanc, N. Mercier, M. Allain, J. Dittmer, T. Pauporté, V. Fernandez, F . Boucher, M. Kepenekian, C. Katan

Enhanced Stability and Band Gap Tuning of α-[HC(NH2)2]PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite by Large Cation Integration.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11 (2019) 20743-20751.


176- N. Ababii, M. Hoppe, S. Shree, A. Vahl, M. Ulfa, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, V. Cretu, N. Magariu, V. Postica, V. Sontea, M.-I. Terasa, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, R. Adelung, O. Lupan

Effect of noble metal functionalization and film thickness on sensing properties of sprayed TiO2 ultra-thin films

Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 293 (2019) 242–258.


175- J. Zhou, L. O. Le Cunff, K. Nomenyo, A. Vial, T. Pauporté, and G. Lérondel

Phenomenological modelling of light transmission of nanowires arrays.

Thin Solid Films, 675 (2019) 43–49.


174- R. D’Angelo, M. Roy, T. Pauporté, S. Delaunay, C. Mansour, D. You, F. Foct, F. Miserque

Study of the Effect of Polyacrylic Acid Dispersant on Magnetite Deposits in Steam Generators Conditions

Mater. Chem. Phys., 226 (2019) 118–128.


173- A. Szemjonov, M. Tasso, S. Ithurria, I. Ciofini, F. Labat, T. Pauporté

Ligand Exchange on CdSe Nanoplatelets for the Efficient Sensitization of TiO2 and ZnO Nanorod Arrays.

J. Photochem. Photobiol A, 368 (2019) 182–189.


172- V. Postica, A. Vahl,  N. Magariu, M.-I. Terasa, M. Hoppe, P. Aschehoug, B. Viana, T. Pauporté, I. Tiginyanu, L. Chow, O. Polonskyi,  R. Adelung,   F. Faupel,  O. Lupan,

Enhancement in UV-Sensing Properties of ZnO:Ag Nanostructured Films by Surface Functionalization with Noble Metallic and Bimetallic nanoparticles.

J. Eng. Sci., 15 (2018) 41–51.


171- A. Szemjonov, Th. Pauporté, S. Ithurria, B. Dubertret, I. Ciofini, F. Labat

Combined Computational and Experimental Study of CdSe/ZnS Nanoplatelets: Structural, Vibrational and Electronic aspects of Core-Shell Interface formation.

Langmuir, 34 (2018) 13828−13836.


170- M. Ulfa, P. Wang, J. Zhang, J. Liu, W. Daney de Marcillac,  L. Coolen, S. Peralta, T. Pauporté

Charge Injection and Electrical Response in Low Temperature SnO2-Based Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (2018) 35118–35128.


169- O. Lupan, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, O. Polonskyi, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, O. Majérus, F. Faupel, R. Adelung

PdO/PdO2 nanocluster – functionalized ZnO films for lower operating temperature hydrogen gas sensing.

Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 14107–14127


168- M. Ulfa, T. Zhu, F. Goubard , Th. Pauporté

Molecular versus Polymeric Hole Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cell Application.

J. Mater. Chem. A., 6 (2018) 13350–13358


167- M. Ulfa, Th. Pauporté, T.T. Bui, F. Goubard

Impact of Organic Hole Transporting Material and Doping on the Electrical Response of Perovskite Solar Cells.

J. Phys. Chem. C., 122 (2018) 11651–11658.


166- T. Pauporté, O. Lupan, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, L. Chow, R. Adelung

Al-Doped ZnO Nanowires by Electrochemical Deposition for Selective VOC Nanosensor and Nanophotodetector

Physica Status Solidi (a), 215 (2018) 1700824. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700824.


165- T.-T. Bui, M. Ulfa, F. Maschietto, A. Ottochian, M.-P. Nghiem, I. Ciofini, F. Goubard, T. Pauporté

Design of carbazoles based hole transporting materials for efficient hybrid perovskite solar cells.

Org. Electron., 60 (2018) 22–30.


A164- D. Pitarch-Tena, T.T. Ngo, M. Vallés-Pelarda, Th. Pauporté, I. Mora-Seró

Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements in Perovskite Solar Cells. Device Stability During the Measurement and Noise Reduction.

ACS Energy Lett., 3 (2018) 1044−1048.


163- Z. Shao, T. Le Mercier, M.B. Madec, Th. Pauporté

AgBi2I7 Layers with Controlled Surface Morphology for Solar Cells with Improved Charge Collection.

Mater. Lett., 221 (2018) 135–138.


162- Th. Pauporté, S. Qi, B. Viana

Low Temperature Electrodeposition of Silicon Layers

Proc. SPIE, 10533 (2018) 105332S. DOI: 10.1117/12.2294944.


161- H. Boubekri, M. Diaf, Th. Pauporté, B.Viana, J.P. Jouart

Upconversion emission investigation of Tb3+ / Yb3+ codoped CdF2 single crystals under infrared laser pump.

Proc. SPIE, 10528 (2018) 105281Y. doi: 10.1117/12.2294940.


160- M. Ulfa, P. Wang, Z. Shao, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté

Oxide Hole Blocking Selective Contacts in Perovskite Solar Cells.

Proc. SPIE, 10533 (2018) 105332R. doi: 10.1117/12.2294941.


159- V. Postica, O. Lupan, N. Ababi, M. Hoppe, R. Adelung, L. Chow, V. Sontea, P. Aschehoug, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté

Detectors based on Pd-doped and PdO-functionalized ZnO nanostructures

Proc. SPIE, 10533 (2018) 105332T. doi: 10.1117/12.2294945.


A158- P. Wang, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté

Effects of Perovskite Monovalent Cation Composition on the High and Low Frequency Impedance Response of Efficient Solar Cells.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 122 (2018) 1973−1981.


157- O. Lupan, V. Postica, R. Adelung, F. Labat, I. Ciofini, U. Schuermann, L. Kienle,  L. Chow,  B. Viana, Th. Pauporté

Functionalized ZnO:Pd Nanowire for Nanosensors

Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 12 (2018) 1700321.


156- Z. Shao, T. Le Mercier, M.B. Madec, Th. Pauporté         

Exploring AgBixI3x+1 semiconductor thin films for lead-free perovskite solar cells.

Mater. Design, 141 (2018) 81–87.


155- O. Lupan,  V. Postica, F. Labat,  I. Ciofini, R. Adelung,  Th. Pauporté

Ultra-Sensitive and Selective Hydrogen Nanosensor with Fast Response at Room Temperature Based on a Single Pd Modified ZnO NW.

Sens. Actuators, B, 254 (2018) 1259–1270.


154- A. Leblanc, N. Mercier, M. Allain, J. Dittmer, V. Fernandez, T. Pauporté

Lead and iodide deficient MAPI, d-MAPI: the bridge between 2D and 3D hybrid perovskites.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56 (2017) 16067 –16072.

153- S. Koussi-Daoud, A. Planchat,  A. Renaud, Y. Pellegrin, F. Odobel, T. Pauporté

Porous Nickel Oxide Layers Electrodeposited from DMSO-Water Solutions for p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Application. 

ChemElectroChem., 13 (2017) 2618 –2625.


152- C. Goujon, Th. Pauporté, A. Bescond, C. Mansour, S. Delaunay , J-L. Bretelle,

Effects of Curative and Preventive Chemical Cleaning Processes on Fouled Steam Generator Tubes in Nuclear Power Plants.

Nucl. Eng. Des., 323 (2017) 120–132.


151- V. Postica,  M. Hoppe, J. Gröttrup, P. Hayes, V. Röbisch, D. Smazna, R. Adelung, B. Viana, P. Aschehoug, T. Pauporté, O. Lupan.

Morphology dependent UV photoresponse of Sn-doped ZnO nano- and microstructures

Solid State Sci., 71 (2017) 75-86.


150- P. Wang, Z. Shao, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté

Insights into the Hole Blocking Layer Effect on the Perovskite Solar Cell Performance and Impedance Response.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (17) (2017) 9131–9141.


149- S. Koussi-Daoud, Y. Pellegrin, F. Odobel, B. Viana, T. Pauporté

Electrodeposition of NiO Films from Various Solvent Electrolytic Solutions for Solar Cell Application.

Proc. SPIE, 10105 (2017) 1010526. doi:10.1117/12.2252251.


148- Y. Kusumawati, T. Pauporté, B. Viana, R. Zouzelka, M. Remzova and J. Rathousky

Mesoporous TiO2/Graphene Composite Films for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Eco-Persistent Pollutants

Proc. SPIE, 10105 (2017) 1010529. doi:10.1117/12.2253132.


147- O. Lupan, V. Postica, R. Adelung, N. Ababii, L. Chow, B. Viana, T. Pauporté

UV radiation detection with a single ZnO:Pd nanowire

Proc. SPIE, 10105 (2017) 101051Y. doi:10.1117/12.2249841.


146- N. Ababii, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, R. Adelung, O. Lupan, T. Pauporté, B. Viana 

H2 gas sensing properties of a ZnO/CuO Heterojunction.

Proc. SPIE, 10105 (2017) 101052A. doi:10.1117/12.2253153


145- Y. Kusumawati, J. Massin, C. Olivier, T. Toupance, A. L. Ivansyah, M. A. Martoprawiro, B. Prijamboedi, C. L. Radiman, T. Pauporté

Combined computational and experimental study of carbazole dyes for iodide- and cobalt-based ZnO DSSCs

J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 341 (2017) 69–77.


144-  A. Szemjonov, S. Ithurria, B. Dubertret, I. Ciofini, F. Labat, T. Pauporté

Ex situ and in situ sensitized quantum dot solar cells

Phys. Status Solidi (b), 254 (2) (2017) 1600443.


143- S. Koussi-Daoud, O. Majerus, D. Schaming, Th. Pauporté

Electrodeposition of NiO Films and Inverse Opal Organized Layers from Polar Aprotic Solvent-Based Electrolyte.

Electrochim. Acta, 219 (2016) 638–646.


142- O. Lupan, V. Postica, V. Cretu, T. Pauporté, R. Adelung 

Series and Parallel Connection of Individual Pd Modified ZnO Nanowires for Gas Sensing Application.

Moldavian J Phys. Sci., 15 (2016) 139-149.


141- A. Szemjonov, Th. Pauporté, S. Ithurria, S. Pedetti, N. Lequeux, B. Dubertret, I. Ciofini, F. Labat

Towards the Modeling of Quantum-Dot Sensitized Solar Cells : From Structural and Vibrational Features to Electron Injection Through Lattice-Mismatched Interfaces.

J. Mater. Chem A., 4 (2016) 13081-13092.


140- O. Lupan, V. Postica, V. Cretu, N. Ababii, M. Hoppe, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, I. Tiginyanu, R. Adelung

Influence of CuO nanostructures morphology on hydrogen gas sensing

Microelectron. Eng., 164 (2016) 63–70


139- O. Lupan, S. Koussi-Daoud, B. Viana, T. Pauporté

Oxide planar p-n Heterojunction Prepared by Low Temperature Solution Growth for UV-Photodetector Application.

RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 68254-68260.


138- Y. Kusumawati, S. Koussi-Daoud, Th. Pauporté

TiO2/Graphene Composite Films for Improving the Performances of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using a Co(II)/Co(III) Redox Shuttle.

J. Photochem. Photobiol., A, 329 (2016) 54–60.


137- R. Zouzelka, Y. Kusumawati, M. Remzova, J. Rathousky, Th Pauporté

Photocatalytic activity of porous multiwalled carbon nanotube-TiO2 composite layers for pollutant degradation.

J. Hazard. Mater., 317 (2016) 52–59.


136- O. Lupan, V. Cretu, V. Postica, R. Adelung, T. Pauporté, B. Viana

Low temperature preparation of Ag-doped ZnO nanowire arrays for sensor and light-emitting diode application

Proc. SPIE 9749 (2016) 97490U.


135- J. Zhang, Y. Kusumawati, T. Pauporté

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on TiO2 Nanotube and Shelled Arrayed Structures

Electrochim. Acta, 201 (2016) 125-133.


134- M. Hosni, I. Hinkov, C. Ricolleau, T. Pauporté, F. Farhat, N. Jouini

Mass Synthesis in Polyol of Tailored Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Photovoltaic Applications.

J. Surf. Eng. Mater. Adv. Technol., 6 (2016) 1-10.


133- O. Lupan, V. Cretu, V. Postica, M. Ahmadi, B. Roldan Cuenya,L. Chow, I. Tiginyanu, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, R. Adelung

Silver-doped zinc oxide single nanowire multifunctional nanosensor with a significant enhancement in response.

Sensors Actuators B, 223 (2016) 893–903.


132- J. Zhang and Th. Pauporté

One-Dimensional Free-Standing TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Designed for Perovskite Solar Cells Application.

ChemPhysChem, 16 (2015) 2836 – 2841.


131- C. Goujon, T. Pauporté, C. Mansour, S. Delaunay, J-L. Bretelle

Electrochemical Deposition of Thick Iron Oxide Films on Nickel Based Superalloy Substrates.

Electrochim. Acta, 176 (2015) 230–239.


130- J. Zhang, Th. Pauporté

Effect of Oxide Contact Layer on the Preparation and Properties of CH3NH3PbI3 for Perovskite Solar Cell Application.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (2015) 14919−14928.


129- L.Y. Li, B. Viana, T. Pauporté, M.Y. Peng

Deep red radioluminescence from a divalent bismuth doped strontium pyrophosphate Sr2P2O7:Bi2+

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9364 (2015) 936423


128- M. Hosni, Th. Pauporté, S. Farhat, N. Jouini

Effect of Annealing Temperature and Thickness of Nanoparticle ZnO Aggregate Layers on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performances.

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9364 (2015) 93641R.


127- S. Koussi-Daoud, Th. Pauporté

Electrochemical deposition and characterizations of adherent NiO porous films for photovoltaic applications

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9364 (2015) 936425.


126- Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, J. Zhang, F. Labat, T. Tugsuz, I. Ciofini, B. Viana 

Low Temperature Preparation of Ag-doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays, DFT Study and Application to Light Emitting Diode.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7 (22) (2015) 11871–11880.


125- J. Zhang, E. J. Juárez-Pérez, I. Mora-Seró, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté

Fast and Low Temperature Growth of Electron Transport Layers for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells.

J. Mater. Chem. A., 3 (2015) 4909–4915.


124- M. Hosni, Y. Kusumawati, S. Farhat, N. Jouini, A. L. Ivansyah, M. A. Martoprawiro, Th. Pauporté

Ruthenium Polypyridyl TG6 Dye for the Sensitization of Nanoparticle and Nanocrystallite Spherical Aggregate Photoelectrodes.

ACS Applied Mater. Interfaces, 7 (3) (2015) 1568–1577.


123- V.-M. Guérin, R. Zouzelka, H. Bibova-Lipsova, J. Jirkovsky, J. Rathousky, Th. Pauporté

Experimental and DFT study of the degradation of 4-chlorophenol on hierarchical micro-/ nanostructured Oxide films.

Appl. Catal., B, 168 (2015) 132–140.


122- J. Zhang, P. Barboux, Th. Pauporté

Electrochemical Design of Nanostructured ZnO Charge Carrier Layers for Efficient Solid-State Perovskite-Sensitized Solar Cells.

Adv. Energy Mater., 4 (18) (2014) 1400932.


121- A. Szemjonov, Th. Pauporté, S. Ithurria, N. Lequeux, B. Dubertret, I. Ciofini, and F. Labat

Ligand-stabilized CdSe Nanoplatelet Hybrid Structures with Tailored Geometric and Electronic Properties. New Insights from Theory.

RSC Adv., 4 (2014) 55980–55989.


120- Y. Kusumawati, M. Hosni , M. A. Martoprawiro, S. Cassaignon, Th. Pauporté

Charge Transport and Recombination in TiO2 Brookite Photoelectrode.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (41) (2014) 23459-23467.


119- A. Szemjonov, T. Pauporté, I. Ciofini, F. Labat

Bulk and surface properties investigation of CdSe: insights from theory.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16 (2014) 23251-23259.


118- M. Izaki, T. Ohta, M. Kondo, T. Takahashi, M. Fariza, J. Sasano T. Shinagawa, Th. Pauporté

Electrodeposited ZnO-Nanowire/Cu2O Photovoltaic Device with Highly Resistive ZnO Intermediate Layer.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 6 (2014) 13461−13469.


117- M. Hosni, Y. Kusumawati, S. Farhat, N. Jouini, Th. Pauporté

Effects of Oxide Nanoparticle Size and Shape on Electronic Structure, Charge Transport and Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Photoelectrodes.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (30) (2014) 16791–16798. Special issue: Michael Grätzel Festschrift.


116- B. Viana, T. Pauporté, O. Lupan, L. Devis, T. Gacoin

Blue-red electroluminescence from hybrid Eu:Phosphors/ZnO-nanowires/p-GaN LED

Proc. SPIE, 8987 (2014) 89871T.


115- T. Pauporté, O. Lupan, B. Viana, L. Chow,  M. Tchernycheva.

Controlling the properties of electrodeposited ZnO nanowire arrays for light emitting diode, photodetector and gas sensor applications.

Proc. SPIE, 8987 (2014) 89871R.


114- Th. Pauporté, C. Magne

Impedance spectroscopy study of N719-sensitized ZnO-based solar cells.

Thin solid films, 560 (2014) 20-26. Article invité.


113- Y. Kusumawati, M. A. Martoprawiro, Th. Pauporté

Effects of Graphene in Graphene/TiO2 Composite Films Applied to Solar Cell Photoelectrode.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (19) (2014) 9974–9981.


112- O. Lupan, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, M. Dhaouadi, F. Pellé, L. Devis, Th. Gacoin

Controlled Mixed Violet/blue-Red Electroluminescence from  Eu:NanoPhosphors/ZnO-nanowires/p-GaN Light Emitting Diodes Light Emitting Diodes

J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (2013) 26768-26775.


111- H. Zhang, A. V. Babichev, G. Jacopin, P. Lavenus, F. H. Julien, A. Yu. Egorov, Th. Pauporté, M. Tchernycheva

Characterization and modeling of a ZnO nanowire ultraviolet photodetector with a graphene transparent contact

J. Appl. Phys., 114 (2013) 234505.


110- C. Magne, M. Urien, Th. Pauporté

Growth of Porous Light Scattering Sub-micrometer particle films by Occlusion Electrolysis for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.

Electrochim. Acta, 110 (2013) 382– 386. Article invité.


109- C. Magne, M. Urien, Th. Pauporté

Optimization of electrochemically grown dense ZnO/nanoporous ZnO stacked structures for dye-sensitized solar cell application.

Physica Status Solidi (b), 250, No. 10 (2013) 2126–2131.


108- O. Lupan, T. Pauporté, B. Viana, P. Aschehoug, M. Ahmadi, B. Roldan Cuenya, Y. Rudzevich, Y. Lin, L. Chow

Eu-doped ZnO nanowire arrays grown by electrodeposition.

Appl. Surf. Sci., 282 (2013) 782-788


107-Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, B. Viana

Electrodeposited ZnO nanowire-based light-emitting diodes with tunable emission from near-UV to blue

Proc. SPIE, 8626 (2013) 86261N-1-4.


106- Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, B. Viana, T. Le Bahers

ZnO nanowire-based light emitting diodes with tunable emission from near-UV to Blue

Proc. SPIE, 8641(2013) 86410L-1-6.


105- Th. Pauporté, C. Magne, V.-M . Guérin,

Design of oxide structured films for dye-sensitized photovoltaic solar cells

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8626 (2013) 86260Z


104- J. Warnan, V.-M. Guérin, F. B. Anne, Y. Pellegrin, E. Blart, D. Jacquemin, Th. Pauporté, and F. Odobel

Ruthenium sensitizer fonctionnalized by acetylacetone anchoring groups for dye-sensitized solar cell.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (17) (2013) 8652–8660.


103- C. Magne, M. Urien, Th. Pauporté

Enhancement of Photovoltaic performances in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Co-Sensitization with Metal-Free Organic Dyes.

RSC Adv., 3 (18) (2013) 6315-6318.


102- T. Le Bahers, Th. Pauporté, P. Lainé, F. Labat, C. Adamo, I. Ciofini

Modelling Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: from theory to experiments

J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4 (2013) 1044-1050.


101- C. Magne, T. Moehl, M. Urien, M. Grätzel, Th. Pauporté

Effects of ZnO Film Growth Route and Nanostructure on Electron Transport and Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

J. Mater. Chem. A, 1 (6) (2013) 2079 - 2088.


100- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, V.V. Ursaki, I.M. Tiginyanu, V. Sontea, L. Chow

UV-Blue and Green electroluminescence from Cu-doped ZnO Nanorod Emitters hydrothermally synthesized on p-GaN.

J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., 7 (2012) 712-718.


99- C. Magne, M. Urien, I. Ciofini, T. Tugsuza, Th. Pauporté

Use of Amphiphilic Fatty Acids as Co-adsorbent for the Improvement of Metal-Free Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.

RSC Adv., 2 (2012) 11836–11842.


98- O. Lupan, V. M. Guérin, L. Ghimpu, I.M. Tiginyanu, Th. Pauporté

Nanofibrous-like ZnO Layers Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering and Their Integration in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

Chem. Phys. Lett., 550 (2012) 125-129.


97- O. Lupan, L. Chow, Th. Pauporté, L.K. Ono, B. Roldan Cuenya, G. Chai

Highly sensititive and selective hydrogen single nanowire sensor operating at room temperature.

Sensors and Actuators B, 173 (2012) 772-780.


96- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, L. Chow, G. Chai, B. Viana, V.V. Ursaki, E. Monaico, I.M. Tiginyanu

Comparative Study of the ZnO and Zn1-xCdxO Nanorod Emitters hydrothermally synthesized and electrodeposited on p-GaN.

Appl. Surf. Sci., 259 (2012) 399-405.


95- V.M. Guérin, J. Elias, T.T. Nguyen, L. Philippe, Th. Pauporté

Ordered Networks of ZnO-Nanowire Hierarchical Urchin-like Structures for Improved Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14 (2012) 12948–12955.


94- A. Renaud, B. Cavillon, L. Lepleux, Y. Pellegrin, E. Bart, M. Boujtita, Th. Pauporté, L. Cario, S. Jobic, F. Odobel.

Is CuGaO2 a potential substitute for NiO in p-type dye solar cell ?

J. Mater. Chem., 22 (2012) 14353–14356.


93- V.M. Guérin, J. Rathousky and Th. Pauporté

Electrochemical Design of ZnO Hierarchical structures for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.

Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 102 (2012) 8–14.


92- T. Le Bahers, Th. Pauporté, F. Odobel, F. Labat., I. Ciofini

Promising anchoring groups for ZnO-Based hybrid materials : a periodic DFT investigation.

Int. J. Quantum Chem., 112 (9) (2012) 2062-2071.


91- Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, B. Viana

ZnO Nanowires for tunable near UV/Blue LED

Proc. SPIE, 8263 (2012) 82630O.


90- B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, T. Le Bahers, and I. Ciofini

Toward blue emission in ZnO based LED

Proc. SPIE, 8278 (2012) 82780N. 


89- C. Magne, F. Dufour, F. Labat, G. Lancel, O. Durupthy, S. Cassaignon, and Th. Pauporté

Effects of TiO2 Nanoparticle Polymorphism on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Photovoltaic Properties.

J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 232 (2012) 22-31.


88- Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, B. Viana

Tunable electroluminescence from low-threshold voltage LED structure based on Zn1-xCdxO nanorods/p-GaN heterojunction

Phys. Status Solidi (a), 209 (2) (2012) 359-363.


87- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, P. Aschehoug  

Electrodeposition of Cu-doped ZnO nanowire arrays and heterojunction formation with p-GaN for color tunable light emitting diode applications.

Electrochim. Acta, 56 (2011) 10543– 10549. Article invité.


86- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté , T. Le Bahers, B. Viana, I. Ciofini

Wavelength Emission Tuning of ZnO Nanowires-based Light Emitting Diodes by Cu-doping: Experimental and Computational Insights

Adv. Funct. Mater., 21 (18)(2011) 3564–3572.


85- C. Magne, S. Cassaignon, G. Lancel, Th. Pauporté

Brookite TiO2 Nanoparticle Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.

ChemPhysChem, 12 (2011) 2461–2467.


84- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté , I.M. Tiginyanu,V.V. Ursaki, H. Heinrich, L.  Chow

Optical properties of ZnO nanowire arrays electrodeposited on n- and p-type Si(1 1 1): Effects of thermal annealing.

Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 176 (2011) 1277-1284.


83- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, L.M. Tiginyanu, V.V. Ursaki, V. Şontea, L.K. Ono, B. Roldan Cuenya, L. Chow

Comparative study of hydrothermal treatment and thermal annealing effects on the properties of electrodeposited nano-columnar ZnO thin films.

Thin Solid Film 519 (2011) 7738-7749.


82- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, T. Le Bahers, I. Ciofini, B. Viana

High Aspect Ratio ternary Zn1-xCdxO Nanowires by electrodeposition for light emitting diode application.

J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 (30) (2011) 14548–14558.


81- V.M. Guérin, Th. Pauporté

From Nanowires to Hierarchical Structures of Template-Free Electrodeposited ZnO for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.

Energy Environ. Sci., 4 (2011) 2971-2979.


80- B. Viana, O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté

Directional and magnetic field enhanced emission of Cu-doped ZnO nanowires / p-GaN heterojunction Light emitting diodes.

J. NanoPhotonics, 5 (2011) 051816.


79- T. Le Bahers, F. Labat, Th. Pauporté, P. Lainé, I. Ciofini

A Theoretical Procedure for optimizing Dye sensitized Solar Cells : From the Electronic structure to the Photovoltaic efficiency.

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133 (20) (2011) 8005-8013.


78- T. Le Bahers, Th. Pauporté, F. Labat, G. Lefèvre, I. Ciofini

Acetylacetone, a promising anchoring group for ZnO-based organic-inorganic hybrid materials: a combined experimental and theoretical study.

Langmuir, 27 (7) (2011) 3442-3450.


77- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, I.M. Tiginyanu, V.V. Ursaki

Highly luminescent columnar ZnO films grown directly on n-Si and p-Si substrates by low-temperature electrochemical deposition.
Opt. Mater., 33 (2011) 914-919.


76- V. Semet, V.T. Binh, Th. Pauporté, L. Joulaud, F.J. Vermersch

Field emission Behavior of vertically-aligned ZnO Nanowire Planar Cathodes.

J. Appl. Phys.  109 (2011) 054301.

Book Chapters


75- V.M. Guérin, C. Magne, Th. Pauporté, T. Le Bahers, J. Rathousky

Nanoporous Electrodeposited versus Nanoparticulate ZnO Porous Films of Similar Roughness for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Application.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2 (12) (2010), 3677–3685.


74- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana

Low-Temperature Growth of ZnO Nanowire Arrays on p-Silicon (111) for Visible-Light-Emitting Diode Fabrication

J. Phys. Chem. C, 114 (35) (2010) 14781-14785.


73- T. Le Bahers, F. Labat, Th. Pauporté, I. Ciofini

Solvent and additives effects on the open circuit voltage of ZnO based Dye-sensitized solar cells: A combined theoretical and experimental study.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12 (2010) 14710–14719.


72- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, I.M. Tiginyanu, V.V. Ursaki, R. Cortès

Epitaxial Electrodeposition of ZnO Nanowire Arrays on p-GaN for Efficient UV-Light Emitting Diode Fabrication.

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2 (2010) 2083-2090. 


71- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté

Hydrothermal treatment for the marked structural and optical quality improvement of ZnO nanowire arrays deposited on lightweight flexible substrates.

J. Cryst. Growth, 312 (2010) 2454-2458.


70- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana.

Low-voltage UV-Electroluminescence from ZnO-Nanowire Array/ p-GaN Light Emitting Diodes.

Adv. Mater., 22 (30) (2010) 3298-3302.


69- O. Lupan, V.M. Guérin, I.M. Tiginyanu, V.V. Ursaki, L. Chow L., H. Heinrich, Th. Pauporté

Vertically-Oriented Well-Aligned ZnO Nanowires Arrays Electrodeposited on ITO- Coated Glass and their Integration in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

J. Photochem. Photobiol. A,  211 (2010) 65-73.


68- Th. Pauporté, G. Bataille, L. Joulaud, F.J. Vermersch

Well-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Arrays Prepared by Seed Layer-Free Electrodeposition and their Cassie-Wenzel Transition after Hydrophobization.

J. Phys. Chem. C., 114 (2010) 194-202.


67- O. Lupan, Th. Pauporté, L. Chow, B. Viana.,F. Pellé, B. Roldan Cuenya, L.K. Ono,  H. Heinrich

Effects of Annealing on Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Electrochemical Deposition in Chloride Medium

Appl. Surf. Sci., 256 (2010) 1895–1907.

Book Chapters

- Thierry Pauporté

Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures for Solar Cells- A Focus on Dye-Sensitized and Perovskite Solar Cells.

In “The Future of Semiconductor Oxides in Next-Generation Solar Cells” (2017) Chap. 1, pp.3-43. Elsevier, Amsterdam.


- Thierry Pauporté

Preparation of ZnO Nanorods and Nanowires by Wet Chemistry

In "Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires for Optical Devices: The Particular Case of GaN and ZnO", G. Feuillet and V. Consonni (Ed.) Iste-Wiley, (2014) pp 325–378. DOI: 10.1002/9781118984321.ch13


- Thierry Pauporté

Design of solution-grown ZnO nanostructures.

Toward Functional Nanomaterials, Chapter 2,

Series: Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology , Vol. 5

Wang, Zhiming M. (Ed.), Springer, New-York, pp.77-127

(2009) XII, 484 p. 242 illus., 32 in color.



- D. Zhang, Y. Prado, Th. Pauporté, L. Coolen

Deciphering the effects of metallic nanoparticles doping in hybrid perovskite photovoltaic and photodetector devices 
Adv. Optical Mater. 13 (2025) 2401964.

- D. Zheng, Th. Pauporté 

Advances in optical imaging and optical communications based on high-quality perovskites  

Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 (2024) 2311205. 


- M. Liu, Th. Pauporté 

Additive Engineering for Stable and Efficient Dion–Jacobson Phases Perovskite Solar Cells. 

Nano-Micro Lett. 15 (2023) 134. 


- E. M. Chamarro, C. R. Mayer, T. Pauporté, E. Drouard, H.-S. Nguyen, C. Seassal, S. C. Boehme, M. Kovalenko, E. Deleporte

Halide perovskites for photonic applications.

Photoniques, 116 (2022) 38-43. DOI: 10.1051/photon/202216038


- D. Zheng, P. Volovitch and Th. Pauporté

What Can Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GD-OES) Technique Tell Us About Perovskite Solar Cell?

Small Methods 18 (2022) 2200633. DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202200633

- F. Cheng, J. Zhu, Th. Pauporté

Chlorides, other Halides and Pseudohalides as Additives for the Fabrication of Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

ChemSusChem 14 (2021) 3665–3692. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202101089

- Liam Gollino, Thierry Pauporté

Lead-Less Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Sol. RRL (2021), 5, 2000616

DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000616

- Thierry Pauporté

Les cellules solaires à base de pérovskites hybrides.

Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur, (2016) RE250 pp1-17

+ Documentation "Pour en savoir plus" Doc. RE250 pp1-2.


- Oleg Lupan, Thierry Pauporté, Lee Chow

Synthesis and gas sensor applications of nanostructured ZnO grown at low temperatures

Turk. J. Phys., 38, (2014), 399-419.


- P. Barboux, J.P. Bonnet, A. Durand, L. Falk, J.M. Nedelec, Th. Pauporté, F. Pellé, V. Ravaine

Nanosciences et nanotechnologies : environnement et santé.

Actualités Chimiques, N° février-Mars 2010, n°338-339, pp.112-120.


- Thierry Pauporté, Daniel Lincot

Microbalance à cristal de quartz

Les Techniques de l’Ingénieur, décembre 2006. P 2220-1 à 16

+ Documentation "Pour en savoir plus" P 2220-1 et 2.



- "Matériau Scintillateur Comprenant une Pérovskite d’Halogénure Dopée"

Patent in collaboration with Saint-Gobain Recherche & Saint-Gobain Crystals. No. FR20 09338, 15 September 2020

- “Functionalization process of ZnO nanowire surface with Pd and PdO/PdO2

Moldavian Patent. Patent application No. 1859, December 21th, 2018.

Awarded gold medal at Inventica 2019.


- "Pérovskites hybrides organique-inorganiques". N. Mercier, Th. Pauporté, A. Leblanc,

Domestic Patent N° FR 17 56883. International extension dated January 24th, 2019. Patent N°: WO 2019/016476 A1


- "A method to prepare rare earth metal complex modified ZnO thin films and luminescent devices employing them". Brevet CNRS- Université de Gifu. No.: P2005-155911. Japanese domestic application dated May 27, 2005. International extension dated November 20th, 2006. Patent N°: WO/2006/126407



- Th. Pauporté, D. Zheng, M. Liu, M. Cresp

Deciphering Phase Growth Direction of Perovskite Thin Films for Opto-Electronic Applications

Proceeding of the 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference "Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties" (IEEE NAP-2024). Riga, Latvia, Sep. 8-13, 2024.

- N. Rajat, C. Lupan, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, O. Lupan, L. Siebert

Study on the optical and gas sensing properties of Eu-doped ZnO

Proceeding of the 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference "Nanomaterials: Application & Properties" (IEEE NAP-2024). Riga, Latvia, Sep. 8-13 2024.

- O. Lupan, M. Brinza, S. Schröder, N. Ababii, T. Strunskus, B. Viana, Th. Pauporté, R. Adelung, F. Faupel

Sensors Based on Hybrid Materials for Environmental, Industrial and Biomedical Applications

Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (IEEE NAP-2024), Riga, Latvia, Sep. 8-13, 2024.

- S. Schröder, M. Brinza, V. Cretu, L. Zimoch, M. Gronenberg, N. Ababii, S. Railean, T. Strunskus, T. Pauporté, R. Adelung, F. Faupel, and O. Lupan

A New Approach in Detection of Biomarker 2-propanol with PTFE-Coated TiO2 Nanostructured Films.

In: Sontea, V., Tiginyanu, I., Railean, S. (eds) 6th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering. ICNBME 2023. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 92. Springer, Cham.(2024) pp. 75–83

- V. Cretu, C. Lupan N. Manciu, N. Ababii, V. Postica, R. Serghei O. Lupan, G. Vardan, L. Chow, T. Pauporté

Thin films of copper oxide nanostructured via rapid thermal processing.

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computing, ECCO 2021. Chisinau, Moldova.

- T. Pauporté, D. Zheng,

Unveilling the Growth Mechanism of 2D, Quasi-2D, Quasi-3D and 3D Halide Perovskite Thin Films.

Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference. “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (IEEE NAP-2023). Bratislava, Slovakia, Sep. 10-15, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/NAP59739.2023.1031082

- N. Magariu, N. Ababii, T. Zadorojneac, H. Krüger; M.T. Bodduluri, T. Pauporté, R. Adelung, S. Hansen, O. Lupan,

Semiconducting Oxide - Based Micro- and Nano-Sensors for Environmental and Biomedical Monitoring

Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 11th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP).


- V. Postica, H. Cavers, R. Adelung, Th. Pauporté, L. Chow, O. Lupan,

"Au-NPs/ZnO single nanowire nanosensors for health care applications."

Proceedings of the The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2020, Iași, Romania. 

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