Optoelectronics, Photovoltaics and Nanostructures
Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris -
Chimie ParisTech - CNRS
Feb. 2025

We are happy to announce that Boxue Zhang has successfully defended his PhD, Thursday, February 6th, 2:00 pm in amphitheater Chaudron, Chimie ParisTech.
He has presented his thesis work entilted "Preparation of high-efficiency and stable 3D perovskite solar cells".
Congratulations to Boxue ZHANG!
Jan. 2025

A new article in Chemical Engineering Journal is published: Quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper phase induced preferentially oriented FA1-xMAxPbI3 for high-performance sequential perovskite solar cells
We show that the addition of BA+ cation facilitates the in-situ formation of Ruddlesden–Popper (RP) quasi-2D phases (BA2MAn-1PbnI3n+1, n ≥ 2) at the initial crystallization stage, which, in turn, enables the growth of the preferentially (100) oriented 3D α-FAPbI3 perovskite films. Furthermore, the mixed alkylammonium system attenuates the elimination rate of dissociation of hydrochloride and alkylamine from deprotonated alkylammonium Cl-salts, yielding films with homogeneous morphology and negligible trap-mediated recombination.
Jan. 2025

A new article in Advanced Functional Materials is published: 2D Ruddlesden-Popper versus 2D Dion-Jacobson Perovskites: Of the Importance of Determining the “True” Average n-Value of Annealed Layers
In this paper, we have shown that a large amount of monoammonium spacer cations is progressively eliminated upon annealing for the 2D-RP perovskites, while, on the contrary, the final composition is close to the initial one in the case of the diammonium spacer cations of the 2D-DJ perovskites. The elimination is related to the volatilization of the species after their deprotonation and the phenomenon can be regulated by halide additives.
Nov. 2024

We are pleased to welcome a new PhD student, Killian DANTAS AVELINO, in the group.
He will work on the study by frequency and temperature dependent techniques of the electrical response of photovoltaic solar cells submitted to aging stressors, in collaboration with GEEPS laboratory. Welcome Killian!
Nov. 2024

Visit of Prof. Quinn QIAO from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Syracuse University, New York, 13244, USA.
He gave a seminar on Nanoscale Mapping of Charge Carrier Dynamics in Photovoltaic or Optoelectronic Devices. His work aims to explain in-depth the nanoscale imaging and mapping within OSCs and PSCs and how remedies to the nanoscale defects can improve PV device performance. The similarities and differences in charge generation, charge separation, charge transport, charge collection, and charge recombination in these two technologies are discussed.
Sept. 2024

We are happy to announce that Min Liu has successfully defended his PhD, Wednesday, September 18th, 2:00 pm in amphitheater Friedel, Chimie ParisTech.
He has presented his thesis work entilted "Development of Formamidinium-Based Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites for Solar Cell Application".
Congratulations to Min LIU!
Sept. 2024

2024 IEEE 14th conference - Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties
Prof. Th. Pauporté gave an invited talk at the 2024 IEEE 14th conference - Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, Riga, LATVIA. The talk was on the preparation of 2D Perovskite Thin Films with Controlled Properties for Optoelectronic Applications.
Jul. 2024

NBG_SolarCells : A project selected and funded by the French Research Agency (ANR)
We are partner of the project "Unlocking the Bottlenecks for Solution-Processed Narrow Bandgap Solar Cells with Less or No Lead", in collaboration with LPEM-ESPCI and INL-Lyon has been selected for funding.
The project deals with the development of narrow bandgap perovskite and colloidal layers for solar cells applied to tandem devices. Its duration is 48 months.
Jul. 2024

A new article in Energy & Environmental Science is published: Combining component screening, machine learning and molecular engineering for the design of high-performance inverted perovskite solar cells
In this paper, we unveil a paradigm shift in PSCs optimization by employing Bayesian machine learning. We navigated a labyrinth of over 1 billion process conditions, culminating in a record-breaking efficiency within a mere 80 iterations. Finally, the integration of bespoke in situ polymerized ionic molecules allowed us to further augment performance of inverted PSCs.
Jun. 2024

Visit of Prof. Hyungping Zhou
Prof. Huanping Zhou from the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Peking University, China, has visited our group and laboratory, June 21th.
Jan. 2024
Visit of Prof. Hyunwoog Seo and his students
Professor Hyunwoog Seo, from the departement of Energy Engineering of INJE University (Republic of Korea) and his Master students visited our laboratory. They learned more about the fabrication process of solar cells.
Dec. 2023

Visit of Dr. Abhishek TEWARI
Dr. Abhishek TEWARI from the department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Uttarakhand, India) did a short stay visit of our laboratory. He gave a seminar on "Computational study of defects in functional ceramics for renewable energy applications".
Dec. 2023

A new review paper in Advanced Functional Materials was published: Advances in Optical Imaging and Optical Communications Based on High-Quality Halide Perovskite Photodetectors
This paper examines the impacts of perovskite film preparation process and crystallinity on the photoelectric properties of PDs and presents important observations regarding the crystallization and phase dynamics that occur during perovskite film formation. These insights have practical implications on the design and preparation of high-performance and stable metal halide perovskite photodetectors, particularly in the domains of optical communications and imaging. They offer valuable guidance for next researchers and developers seeking to improve the functionality and marketability of photodetectors using perovskite films.
Nov. 2023

We are happy to welcome our new PhD Student Jian Huang. He will work on the development of highly stable 3D and 2D perovskite solar cells.
Sept. 2023

Dr. D. Zheng and Prof. Th. Pauporté visited Prof. P. Siffalovic laboratory in Bratislava, Slovakia, to perform joint in situ GIWAXS experiments under controlled atmosphere. Prof. Th. Pauporté gave a seminar to Physics Department of the Slovak Academy of Science.
13 Sept. 2023

Prof. Th. Pauporté
gave an invited talk at the 2023 IEEE 13th conference - Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA. The talk was on the growth mechanism of 2D to 3D perovskite films.
14 Jun. 2023

A group photo sessions took place. The photo is available on the Gallery page of the website!
Jun. 2023

We are happy to welcome O. Lupan and C. Lupan in our laboratory at ChimieParisTech.
They both work on semiconducting oxide layers applied for nanosensors. They will perform some experiments in our laboratory.
19 Apr. - 23 Apr. 2023

The group carried out experiments at SOLEIL synchrotron.
The group had the great opportunity to use SOLEIL synchrotron at Saclay to perform GIWAXS measurements on perovskite layers.
07 Apr. 2023

A new paper in Advanced Materials was published: Managing Interfacial Defects and Carriers by Synergistic Modulation of Functional Groups and Spatial Conformation for High-Performance Perovskite Photovoltaics Based on Vacuum Flash Method.
One effective interfacial defect and carrier dynamics management strategy by synergistic modulation of functional groups and spatial conformation of ammonium salt molecules is proposed. 3-APAI surface treatment in association with vacuum flash technology was used in particular and enable to obtain PSCs with an alluring peak efficiency of 24.72%.
22 Mar. 2023

We published a new research article in Nanomaterials entitled: Exploring Solar Cells Based on Lead- and Iodide-Deficient Halide Perovskite (d-HP) Thin Films.
We propose one way to reduce lead content on perosvkite solar cells while improving their stability. We optimized a new family of 3D perovskites, called d-HPs, presenting PbI+ unit vacancies inside the lattice caused by the insertion of big organic cations that do not respect the Goldschmidt tolerance factor: hydroxyethylammonium and thioethylammonium.
28 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2023

Prof. Th. Pauporté attended the SPIE Photonics Meeting at San Francisco, USA
He gaven an invited talk at the SPIE Photonic Meeting entitled "Tuning of Titanium Dioxide Surface Energy Levels by Self-Assembled Monolayers for Optoelectronic Applications" and has done presentations of perovskite solar cells and photocatalysis results obtained in the group.
04 Jan. 2023

Congratulation to Liam Gollino !
We are happy to announce that Liam Gollino has successfully defended his PhD, Wednesday, January 4th, 14h00 in amphitheater Chaudron, Chimie ParisTech.
He has presented his thesis work entilted "Development of lead- and iodide- deficient halide perovskite thin films and solar cells".
4 Dec. 2022

We published a paper in Nature Communication entitled: Control of perovskite film crystallization and growth direction to target homogeneous monolithic structures.
We propose a universal typology which distinguishes three types for the growth direction of perovskite crystals: downard, upward and lateral. The latest being the targeted one for high efficiency PSCs.
13 Dec. 2022

A group photo was taken to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Even along the arrival of the new members.
9 Nov. 2022
Prof. Thierry Pauporté visited our collaborators from the J. Heyrosvky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in the workframe of PHC Barrande Action by Campus France.
9 Nov. 2022

We are happy to welcome our new PhD Student Zihao Li. He will work on the development of highly stable 3D and 2D perovskite solar cells.
22 Oct 2022

Prof. Thierry Pauporté visited Hong Kong University & PolyU Hong Kong to exchange with Prof. Aleksandra Djurisic, Prof. Wallace Choy and Prof. Gang Li and present the team latest results.

13 Oct 2022

A paper of the group on the use of Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GD-OES) for perovskite solar cells investigation
We review the emerging broad range of applications of the glow discharge opitcal emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) techniques in the field of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) research.
03 Oct 2022

We are happy to welcome our new PhD Student Marie Cresp. She will work on the ANR Chemsta project by developing highly stable 3D and 2D Dion-Jacobson perovskite solar cells.
29 Jul 2022

New page on the website : the Gallery !
We added a new Gallery page to the website ! Do not hesitate to visit this page to check the pictures/photos we will post in the future
27 Jul 2022

A group photo session took place before summer holidays to make new memories. We wish everyone a good summer break !
17 Jun 2022

Paper unveiling 23.5% NiOx-based inverted PSCs was just published in Angewandte Chemie
A precursor stabilization and defect passivation strategy was developed by employing 3-hydrazinobenzoic acid (3-HBA) as a versatile additive. The synergistic effect of −NHNH2 and −COOH suppresses oxidation of I−, deprotonation of organic cations and amine-cation reaction. The NiOx-based inverted device achieves a certified efficiency of 23.3 % with excellent operational stability
29 Mar 2022

A new PhD opportunity is available in the group ! Do not hesitate to check the PhD offer by clicking the button below.
28 Feb 2022

We are happy to welcome our new PhD Student Boxue Zhang. He will work on the development of highly stable and efficient perovskite solar cells.
03 Feb 2022

A new paper of the group on a perovskite solar cell of more than 22% of efficiency is published in Advanced Energy Materials
We show that ammonium chloride additive in the precursor solution governs the even depth distribution of alkali metal (IA) elements in methylammonium-free perovskites, favors the crystallinity and phase purity and induces a lateral growth of large monolithic film grains. Combined with the surface treatment by n-propylammonium iodide (PAI), it results in solar cells with high photovoltaic performances and improved stability.
08 Jan 2022

2022 starts with a paper in Nano Energy!
A new article explaining how do gold nanoparticles boost the performance of perovskite solar cells has been published in the Nano Energy Journal. Congratulation to Daming Zheng.
8 Dec 2021

We are happy to welcome Sami Ullah for a short stay in our group. Sami is PhD student and teacher at the University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan. He will work on the surface treatment of perovskite layers for efficient solar cells.
25 Nov 2021

Invited presentation at the e- Workshop « Chemistry of halide perovskites »
Prof. Th. Pauporté has given an invited talk at the e-Workshop "Chemistry of halide perovskites" on "The Control of Perovskite Film Crystallization and Growth Direction to Target Homogeneous Monolithic Structures".
14 Oct 2021

Want to join the group as a PhD ?
We are looking for good and motivated applicant to prepare a PhD on perovskite solar cells in our group under the supervision of Prof. Thierry Pauporté. The applicant will have to hold a master degree from a Chinese university in 2022.
The application must be sent to the ParisTech office in Shanghai (
The suggested research topic and the practical information are given in the attached document
28 Sep 2021

Seminar on Halide Perovskites by Prof. N. Mercier
We have been very happy to welcome, on October 5th, Prof. Nicolas Mercier from the Angers University.
He has presented in the premises of Chimie-Paristech an exciting seminar dedicated to "Halide Perovskites: Structural versatility, synthesis and HP formation".
28 Sep 2021

Congrats to Daming Zheng !
We are happy to announce that Daming Zheng has successfully defended his PhD, Tuesday, 28th September, 14h00 in amphitheater Moissan, Chimie ParisTech.
He has presented his thesis work on "Use of Perovskite Growth Additives and Chemical Composition and Interfacial Engineerings, for High Performance and Stable Solar Cells".
Congratulations to the new PSL University doctor!
27 Jul 2021

A new article by D. Zheng in J. Mater Chem. A
The roles of mixed ammonium chloride and potassium chloride additives on the growth of Cs0.1FA0.9PbI3 perovskite film is investigated along with the surface treatment by a n-propylammonium iodide solution which produces an interfacial buffer layer. The optimized perovskite solar cell reaches a stabilized power conversion efficiency over 21%.

23 Jul 2021
A new patent "Synthesis of highly stable 2D/3D halide perovskite thin films"
The PhD work by Tao Zhu has led to the patent registration FR 2107987 on July 23th, 2021. T. Zhu and Th. Pauporté are the inventors.
The patent deals with compositions of perovskite precursor solutions and preparation processes that produce highly stable perovskite layers.

23 Jul 2021
A review paper on halides and pseudohalides additives for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells was published in ChemSusChem by F. Cheng
Progresses made on the employment of halide and pseudo-halide additives in organo-metal perovskite solar cells are reviewed.
Their function in morphology adjusting, phase stabilizing, energy-level adjusting, trap state passivation and hysteresis elimination are detailed. A deep understanding of the relationship between halide/pseudohalide additive and the improved properties of perovskite solar cell is presented.

5 Jul 2021
ChemSta : A project of the group funded by the French Research Agency (ANR)
Pr. Th. Pauporté project " Chemical Engineering for the Synthesis of Highly Stable Perovskite Films Applied to
Efficient Solar Cells" (ChemSta), in collaboration with IPVF and CEA-INES has been selected for funding.
The project deals with the development of new approaches for the preparation of highly stable 3D and quasi-2D perovskite films for high efficiency solar cells. Its duration is 42 months

10 Jun 2021
Perovskite solar cells at 22.5%!
Daming Zheng has developed new processing techniques to get dense, homogeneous, large grain mixed cation perovskite layers. The efficiency is impressive, 22.5% and the hysteresis very low. The stabilized efficiency is 22.05% It is the present record efficiency for the group. The paper is in preparation

31 Mar 2021
Strong presence of the group at the JPH 2021
During the JPH 2021, the presence of the group was significant with a total of 3 oral presentations and 1 poster.
Thanks again to the organizers of this very interesting conference.

16 Mar 2021
We are happy to welcome our new PhD Student Min LIU. He will work on the development of highly stable and efficient perovskite solar cells.
08 Jan 2021

A review paper in Solar RRL on Lead-Less Halide Perovskite Solar Cell by L. Gollino
The rise and commercialization of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is hindered by the toxicity of lead present in the perovskites employed as the solar light absorber. To counter this problem, lead can be fully (lead-free) or partially (lead-less)
replaced by diverse elements or molecules. Liam Gollino and Thierry Pauporté have just published a review paper which summarize the various strategies employed by the scientific community to reduce the lead content in PSCs. The present achievements and the outlook of those strategies are presented and discussed.
14 Oct 2020

New patent with Saint-Gobain Recherche and Saint-Gobain Crystals
New Scintillator Materials Comprising a Doped Halide Perovskite.
Our research group collaborates with Saint-Gobain Recherche and Saint-Gobain Crystals on the growth of halide perovskite single crystals for applications as scintillator and for ionizing radiation detection. We are
happy to announce that our joint work has led to a patent registration n° FR2009338. The patent concerns the development of "New Scintillator Materials Comprising a Doped Halide Perovskite"
29 Sep 2020

Congrats to Tao Zhu !
We are happy to announce that Tao Zhu has successfully defended his PhD, Tuesday, 29th September, 14h00 in amphitheater Moissan, Chimie ParisTech.
He has presented his thesis work on "Hybrid Perovskites and Interface Engineering for the Improvement of Optoelectronic Devices".
Congratulations to the new PSL University doctor!

17 Mar 2020
With the sanitary crisis caused by the virus 2019 - nCov leading to a general quarantine, staff of the laboratory and the team is in telework.

31 Jan 2020
Pr. Th. Pauporté’s project " Graphene/Semiconductor heterojunctions for efficient photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics in wastewaters" in collaboration with Prof. Jiri Rathousky and Dr. Radek Žouželka of the J. Heyrosvky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in Prague has been selected as a PHC Barrande Action by Campus France. This research will be supported for two years.

27 Jan 2020
Pr. Th. Pauporté’s project "Chemical modifications of hybrid perovskites for the improvement of their stability and optoelectronic performances" in collaboration with Prof. Rui Zhu, School of Physics of the Peking University, Beijing, China has been selected as an International Emerging Action by the CNRS.

15 Jan 2020
We are happy to welcome Dr Quentin MORELLE. He will work in the group for 6 months as a pre-maturation engineer on the preparation of lead-deficient perovskite layers for efficient solar cells. We have co-patented with the Moltech-Anjou laboratory this new family of hybrid perovskites. This project is supported by the SATT-Ouest valorisation.

22 Jan 2020
The new glovebox of our group has been installed. This equipment is especially designed to spin coat thin film of semiconductors in a water- and oxygen-free environment. The aim is notably to produce very high quality hybrid perovskite layers for our various projects

8 Jan 2020
Congratulation to Tao Zhu and Jun Su. Their paper on the interfacial engineering by benzoic acids to reach high
efficiency solar cells (21.35%) is now published in issue in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. This work is also a nice collaboration with i-CLeHS-Paristech for the DFT part.
T. Zhu, J. Su, F. Labat, I. Ciofini, Th. Pauporté, Interfacial Engineering through Chloride-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayer for High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Mater Interfaces, 12 (2020) 744-752.

4 Dec 2019
Welcome in our group to a new post-doc researcher – Dr Zhijin HOU. He will work on the preparation of hybrid perovskites for opto-electronic applications
Nov 2019
Perovskite solar cells at 22.2%!
Tao Zhu has developed a new processing technique to get dense, homogeneous, large grain mixed cation perovskite layers. The efficiency is impressive, 22.18% and the hysteresis very low. It is the present record efficiency for the group. The paper is in preparation.